Our Tailored Treatments

Chiropractic Care
We offer thorough and complete initial examinations in order to discover the underlying cause of your pain and ailments. We will customise a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific needs ensuring you can experience lasting and effective pain relief and prevention. Our Chiropractic adjustments are gentle and you will feel the difference almost right away. They are suitable for all ages making chiropractic a family affair.
Details about our pricing can be found here.

Wellness Programs
As part of a thorough examination of your ailments and a comprehensive report of findings, we can offer ongoing wellness programs that are tailored to your needs. We understand that health is not simply about being pain free, but about your overall wellbeing both physically and mentally. Our Chiropractors can talk to you about how you can stay fit in mind and body for the long term.

Rehabilitation & Sports Chiropractic
Injuries can be so debilitating and limit your enjoyment in life, that is why we can offer comprehensive rehabilitation programs to help you get back on your feet and relieve or even eliminate your pain. If exercise is your thing, our sports chiropractic treatments will aid in your recovery and injury prevention.

Sacro Occipital Technique
Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) is a comprehensive technique that uses body indicators to determine skeletal, cranial, neurological, and visceral malfunctions using gentle manipulations without the need to 'crack' patients joints.
It incorporates specific techniques that address changes in the extremities, pelvic and spinal biomechanics, cranial distortions, and temporomandibular joint dysfunctions.