Herniated and bulging discs can happen to anyone, whether you’re athletic or not. Also known as slipped discs or ruptured discs, herniated discs occur when part of the soft tissue that sits between your vertebrae protrudes. This is relatively common and can cause pain along the spine and elsewhere.
Herniated and bulging discs may not always present symptoms but can be debilitating if left untreated. While some cases may need surgery, chiropractic treatment is an excellent treatment option for herniated & bulging discs because of its non-invasive approach.
Common causes of herniated and bulging discs include the body’s normal wear and tear, injuries from working out (such as lifting incorrectly), as well as genetics. You may have spinal disc issues if you have the following symptoms:
Pain in the neck or lower back
Tingling or numbness in the arm or leg
Muscle weakness in the arm or leg

Our goal at Whiteley Chiropractic is to provide treatment that will promote the body’s potential to heal itself. Chiropractic care is non-invasive, non-surgical, drug-free and suitable for almost everyone.
At Whiteley Chiropractic, we provide a safe and natural approach to your health care and provide solutions to your challenges. We use chiropractic care and massage to reduce your pain and suffering naturally.
Schedule an appointment with one of Whiteley Chiropractic's experienced chiropractors for a comprehensive examination. We then establish goals with you to determine the right treatment plan.
Book online or give us a call to arrange your New Patient Consultation. When your appointment is confirmed, we'll send you a health questionnaire and consent forms that you can fill in before your appointment for a smooth experience.
Arrive for your comprehensive chiropractic exam with our fully qualified doctor of chiropractic. Your exam may include:
Functional Posture Assessment​
Muscle Testing
Neurological and Orthopaedic tests
Body Alignment Scan
Gait Assessment
We set goals and expectations for your care plan. We provide patients the resources they need to treat or prevent injury, get aligned, and improve their quality of life!