Some insights from the qualified and registered chiropractors at Whiteley Chiropractic.

What is chiropractic care?
Chiropractic is a natural, drug-free approach to health care management that focuses on the structure and function of the spinal column and nervous system and their effect on general health.
Doctors of Chiropractic – often referred to as chiropractors or chiropractic physicians – are registered health care professionals who practice a hands-on approach to health care, including patient examination, diagnosis, and treatment for various conditions.
Chiropractic care is regarded as a safe form of complementary health care. It is the fastest-growing health care profession in the world.
Will I experience any uncomfortable pain after an adjustment?
Typically, no. Occasionally, patients may experience some local soreness or aching in the muscles or spinal joints after receiving an adjustment. It is entirely normal. Sometimes these tissues have not moved for years, and it takes time for them to get used to the increased motion.
When this does occur, it generally tends to appear immediately or within the first few hours following treatment. It rarely lasts longer than 24 – 48 hours (if it does, please contact us for assistance).
How long will it take for me to get better?
Recovery varies from patient to patient, and the degree and type of injury one has sustained. It also depends on your current state of health. People with chronic health difficulties heal slower. A significant factor in healing time is how well you take care of yourself during the healing process:
How well do you eat?
Do you get sufficient sleep each night?
Do you exercise regularly?
How efficiently do you manage your stress?
Do you drink enough water daily?
Do you maintain a positive mental attitude?
Many other factors can play a role in how fast patients recover from their injuries, such as previous injuries to the same area and the age of the patient. While this is only a partial list of factors that may affect healing, one can see that the time it takes to heal can vary greatly from one individual to another.​​